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If you like Adult Science Fiction... I mean Violence, Murder, Sex, alongside your Heroes and Villains... You need to give these a read. Be warned, these are not for the faint of heart.

Elemental Heart


Is the beginning of it all. Xavian Vortex, a 3,800 year old Master of the Element of Void has returned to Earth with news of the Demon God, Vulrintutakon. Lord Vortex begins preparation for the second coming of Kon by ordering his three ancient sons to hunt down and kill the last of the Dragonfyre clan, a family of Fire Elementals that has defeated Kon once before.
Through the murder of their families, six orphaned young men must venture out on their own and learn how to live as secret and specially gifted youngsters’ in a world where Human Technology is coming of age. Most Humans do not know of Elementals, though they have lived among them for thousands of years.

Elemental Dragonfyre & Brimstone


Book two in The Elemental Saga brings to life an Ancient Evil since the time of the First Ones, Alexander Brimstone. Originally created to defeat Xavian, Brimstone has the power to control all six of the natural elements of the universe. His skin is an impenetrable red rocky surface guaranteeing that no Elemental can take his heart. Since Brimstone has been awakened from his forced slumber, he now wishes to take revenge on every species of planet Earth, and force them under his rule.
Elemental D&B picks up just days after the events of Elemental Heart. Johnny and his brothers are still healing from their battle against Surfacelord Anton Torel and his minions. Lightmare and his students have now joined the pack, as new revelations of their actions come to light. Also, a second son of Rah, Johnny's brother Stephen Janus Rah is discovered to be alive and being trained under the Valkira Surfacelord Valtor T'Zan. Will the unknown last son of Rah embrace the Valkira, or the Elemental?

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